Just go to our "Contact Us" page, and let us know your thoughts.
Watch out for email for more details.
Call Ann Gulesian 813-444-3972
by April 3 for reservations
Join us as we gather together to learn, mingle, make friends and have fun. Let's build friendships together as we cherish our heritage and continue enjoying a legacy of strong sense of family, community and friendship.
Not a member yet? Register now and come join us by clicking here!
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Ready to be part of the IRISH CONNECTION CLUB? Download and print the below application and mail it to Joan Weening at
706 Ward Circle, Sun City Center, FL 33573, along with your payment.
The one-time Badge Fee is $15/person(Optional), and the yearly dues are $5/person due by December 31.
You can also call Ann Gulasian (617-448-2726) directly and ask her to help you with your registration